Wow. It seems like I just broke my ankle yesterday.
Fact is I broke it 2 whole weeks ago. So much has happened in that 2 week period that it's hard to even know where to start.
So, since my last post I saw an orthopedic surgeon. Went in just after the Memorial Day holiday to see what's up with the break. Since I only got a splint in the ER, I knew I'd have to get a cast. Dropped in, gave him my x-rays and discussed options. Turns out I had two. 1) leave the bones as-is and slap a cast on, or 2) cut me open, screw a plate on the bones to hold 'em put and then slap a cast on.
Clearly leaving them as-is would have been easiest, however it also could have affected the whole running thing. Good thing the doc's a runner, he knows what it's like (runners are good people). I can't run as well if I have a limp. So, that was that, option 2 turned out to be the only real option.
Day after I met with the ortho doc I underwent surgery. "Open Reduction Internal Fixation" to be specific. My wife (who works in a hospital) tells me ORIFs are fairly common, that didn't help her deal with the fact that
I was the one under the surgeon's knife. She was a trooper though.
Surgery was quick, recovery...not quite as quick. I spent the next three days sitting on my couch, popping pills as needed, and sleeping like a newborn (one hour on, one hour off). Amen for AIM and text messaging :-) Thanks TC and EB...I needed the entertainment; it really made the days so much better.
So, without the throbbing pain I visited the orthopedic surgeon again. This time, no surgery, just a cast. Blue.
Well, now I am back at work, but no running for me.
Up next...I don't know what the future holds, we'll just have to wait and see.