Running is fan-f'ing-tastic! I know that not everyone loves running, but I am one of those people who actually enjoys it, and what's not to enjoy? It's easy to get home, toss off the day's stresses, put on some running shoes and shorts (shirt optional in this Chicago heat) and go for a nice relaxing run.
Training is a little different. Training requires a great amount of dedication and discipline. I do enjoy training, sometimes. My hats off to those (including tc) currently training for the 2006 Chicago Marathon.
Today I just want to share an old Chinese proverb, that I find applies to both life in general and training:
The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials.
The Gremlin

As you are aware, I am The Gremlin...the evil little voice in every runner's head that says "go faster".
Today at work, oh yeah in our office building lobby, we had a carnival day; ice cream treats, a psychic, and a stilt walker who makes balloon animals. Don't ask about carnival day, I don't know why it happens, it just happens. Obviously the situation presented itself and it was kismet. Fate brought me to this point, I had to get a gremlin.
Seems simple enough, so I request one:
Me: "Hey man, you do gremlins?"
Dude: "What's a gremlin?"
Me: "a little green monster"
Dude: "what's it look like?"
Me: "it's little.... and green"
Dude: "uhhh, sure? I can do that"
Turns out, he'd never tried anything monster-like, I got the first gremlin from this particular high-class artist. Well, I was very pleased with the result. Hope you all like him as much as I do, sorry for the picture quality...turns out Treo cameras suck.
The good ole days

I realize that there are no pictures of me running. Coincidence? I think not. I am best behind the camera, not in front of it. However, one of tc's buddies caught me at the Soldier Field 10 Miler..and I must say, I don't mind this shot one bit, mainly because all you see is my back.
Getting this shot from her was a reminder of the running I love so much...and just how much I miss it. Ahhh, the good ole days.
On the bright side, I get to wear two shoes next week. Yes, like a normal person, for one hour a day, two days a week (that just so happens to match my rehab schedule) I will be wearing two shoes. Say bye bye Das Boot.
I promised post-op x-rays

Ok folks, here you go...3 weeks post operative. Notice the "hardware" as everyone likes to call it. By everyone, I mean all the medical professionals I have seen over the past month or so.
Oh, and by the way, I now get a nice little card to carry in my wallet that says "This patient has been implanted with orthopaedic hardware that may be detected by X-ray and security devices."
Well, next time I fly, I guess I can whip out my get out of airport jail free card.
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