Lately I've been uninspired to blog. Yeah I know, it's a poor excuse, but it's all I've got. Since I have the day off today here's a little update.
City Chase 2008. Dude, it was way harder this year. I thought it was physically demanding last year, but I was wrong. This year it was harsh. Maybe we had bad luck and chose all the physical chase points, but I think not. tc has a great round up of the various points we collected. I must say, Team Strangely Asian rocked it again! Somehow we finished in exactly the same place as we did last year. I actually feel really good about our finish because there were far more teams this year. Oh and yeah, we didn't break up either. :-* tc
Physical Therapy on my ankle is going OK. It ends in about two weeks.
I ran yesterday. 5.1 miles in 50:05. It felt pretty good the whole way, and when I figured out it was 10 minute miles I was quite pleased. Oddly enough, my right shin started to hurt. I clearly need to work on my right leg so it keeps up with my, thanks to PT, new and improved left leg. I also managed to bike 15 miles yesterday. My quads are pretty well cashed at this point.
And that's about it. Peace.