That's right baby, I'm back! And I am inspired...
Crazy n' deranged,
bust'n from LaGrange.
you suckas don't know,
just how i flow so.
you cant be seein,
all i am slayin.
so back up off me
'fore i get busy.
hehe, enough of that, here's the running related stuff:
1.9 miles, 19:51.
The only protest my body put up came from my lungs. Gisele was effective at keeping my legs strong, but I clearly didn't work my lungs as much as I could have during my off time. Even my ankle was happy with me. We'll see how it feels tonight.
It was wonderful running along the lake shore path. A bit brisk, but great all the same. I almost forgot how sweet Gatorade is after a run.
Up next: it depends, maybe a couple more miles, maybe not.