So anyway, it's been a week since my last post. Also a week since I was going to run. Since then so much has happened. It's been one sugary sweet week, for everything but running.
Since my ankle hurt like a son of a bitch after the race I thought I should take some more time off than just a day or two. A week seemed more than appropriate; especially since I still hurt last Monday.
Today was 2.25 miles in 23 minutes. Roughly a 10 minute pace, just where I want to be. Not surprisingly I was tired through most of the run, my lungs just wouldn't keep up. Ultimately I suppose that's a good thing, since more speed would mean more pain (I assume).
On a separate note: I have discovered that my ankle is now a very accurate barometer. I can sense weather changes, and impending rain pretty accurately; and painfully I might add. Since it seems very paranormal, I haven't talked to many folks about it, but tc tells me she has similar sensations (in her legs), so now I am open to it. Tell me, anyone else out there have the same barometric super-powers? If so, how freakin odd is it? I'm still adjusting, for now I'm perturbed at the aching alerts I get via ankle plate.
So what's next? No clue, but I can tell you no running till Thursday at the earliest.
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