Worked out last night. Went 2 miles for the warm-up run. Pace had to be around 9:30, but I don't know for sure. Following the warm-up I lifted; total body.
Following the workout, I undid all the work with a RJ Grunts Yowza burger and Fat Tire draft.
While I may have undone all the work in terms of calories burned, what didn’t change is the fact that I feel better these days. After just a week of consistent workouts I can already tell my energy level is up during the day. Granted, I am tired after working out and just want to go to bed when I get home, but that'll change. As my body becomes more accustomed to the workouts I'll recover faster and I won’t feel the need to nap right when I get done. For now, I welcome the tired feeling, knowing full well that it's because I worked hard.
Tonight tc and I are going to Fleet Feet Sports to help kb pick out some workout/running shoes. kb is gonna try the running thing, see if it suits her. Wish us luck.