Ran after work today. Was supposed to go 3 miles, went 3.25 without knowing it. Total time: 30 minutes, average pace 9:15. Why did i go 3.25? Well, my out and back route took a slightly different back route. See, I had to go pick up my CT scan results from the imagining center. I had a chance to play with the CD last night and man, is it cool seeing your leg reconstructed like that. I promise I'll try to find a way to post the images so you too can enjoy.
I suppose today's run bodes well for the Shuffle. As long as I meet my revised primary goal (don't break anything) then I should be able to make a 10 minute pace secondary goal.
Up next: rest, yes I am resting today even though 2.5 is on the menu I think my body needs it.
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