On a recent evening commute I was fortunate enough to have a random companion. Just some other schlub who was also headed in my general direction. Travelling downtown, on a major roadway (3 lanes each way) we were jockeying for the lead but just for the fun of it. We essentially took over the right lane, but cars had two lanes to pass us in if they had to.
After a couple of blocks we came across a series of cars parked in the right most lane. Illegal to do in the Loop, but that doesn't stop people. What to do? Well, we moved to the center lane, didn't cut anyone off since the lane was clear (for the moment).
No sooner were we about to move to the now empty right lane as some asshole honks his horn, then guns it and flys by. At the next red light I weave through stopped cars and get up to the asshole's car. I simply tell him that bikes are traffic too, he blurts out something about moving over, then guns it when the light turns green...and that's when I see the logo on his car. The asshole was an adult crossing guard, he was driving a Traffic Management Authority (TMA) car. I scream at him "you of all people should know", really only because I didn't have time to throw some poo at him like an angry monkey would. Mr. Random biker asks at the next light if the TMA guy was the culprit, I confirm and biker man says, so accurately, "what a dick." the end .
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