The picture is not one of those random-ass photos I usually post. That's actually a shot of my former hardware in it's nice sterile baggie. The penny is just there for comparison please don't be a bonehead and ask if it too was removed. I can't quite decide if I want to make it into a paperweight, or put it with my bib from that damned race.
That's right. I am now without that nasty metal object in my ankle. I underwent a minor surgical procedure to have it taken out yesterday. Forgive me if this posts sounds a little crazy or if it seems to wander...I'm on some gooood pain killing narcotics right now :) Norco anyone? Oh and thank you to Wiki for letting me know that this would be a poor choice of drugs to abuse, as the added acetaminophen can cause liver fact should one want to abuse opiate narcotics it is apparently best to stick with "single entity opiates such as OxyContin."
The actual surgery only took about 15 minutes. The pre-op paperwork, waiting, and recovery took several hours. Thanks so much to tc for being there with me, she's the greatest. Unicorn anyone?
The worst part of the whole thing was not eating or drinking anything from midnight until post-op recovery. Surgery wasn't scheduled until 2, and it was delayed a half i wasn't out of there until like 3:30, buh. Never have graham crackers and apple juice been so tasty.
So now I just cant run for 6 weeks. But all is not lost. I can cycle when my incision heals. Oh and you'd better believe I'll post that pic as soon as I can get it (cant change the dressing for 2-3 days kids).
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