Amen! No direct upper body work today. Instead we worked on running endurance.
We ran up to the harbor off Diversy and found ourselves on a grassy knoll. Oh yeah, the DI was secretly trying to kill someone. The task at hand was to run to a light pole, head up the embankment, run to the next light pole, down the embankment, to the next pole, and so on. Did 18 lights poles 2 times, then finished easy with just 6 or 7 light poles. In between each run was a short set of leg and core strength exercises (e.g. lunges, crunches, squats).
Now I'm looking forward to a couple days rest. I think I'll try a little run on Sunday, couple miles maybe. I'd like to get back to having long run Sundays. With Bootcamp and all, it's gonna take a while until I can get up to my ideal Sunday morning 10 miler.
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