
2 whole weeks

Yeah I've been really bad about updating. It's been two weeks since my last post. Granted one week of it was my taper...which i did with gusto, that is to say i basically didnt run for a week. I managed a long run of 5 miles last monday, but that was about it. Oh, and I saw my doc, more on that later.

Yesterday was the Shuffle, I managed not to break anything, so that was good. Even better, I managed a 45:41, or 9:11 pace. I have got to say, that was the most crowded race I've ever run. Hot damn, the crowd just never let up. It was duck and weave from start to finish, like trying to walk down Michigan Avenue during the peak of tourist season (and yes it should be a season so we are allowed to bag one or two).

As for my doctor's visit. It went reasonably well. Nothing is broken, and the xrays show that I am fully healed from the break last spring. So that pain I've been feeling? It's "plate pain" says the doc. Saw the ortho doc, he agreed with my p.c. So, I'm getting it taken out, that's right my hardware gets removed April 5th. I know what you're thinking, because i thought it too...will i be healed in time to start marathon training? Yes, so says both doctors.



Ran after work today. Was supposed to go 3 miles, went 3.25 without knowing it. Total time: 30 minutes, average pace 9:15. Why did i go 3.25? Well, my out and back route took a slightly different back route. See, I had to go pick up my CT scan results from the imagining center. I had a chance to play with the CD last night and man, is it cool seeing your leg reconstructed like that. I promise I'll try to find a way to post the images so you too can enjoy.

I suppose today's run bodes well for the Shuffle. As long as I meet my revised primary goal (don't break anything) then I should be able to make a 10 minute pace secondary goal.

Up next: rest, yes I am resting today even though 2.5 is on the menu I think my body needs it.


long and slow

Ran in and around D.C. and Georgetown today. It's a really nice place to run, except for how hard the sidewalks are. They are nice and wide, but wow are they hard. True I could have run on the streets (and I did for short stretches) but I didn't feel like extending my vacation because I'm laid up in a hospital bed...so I played it safe and stuck with the sidewalks.
I found a running store, which is great because I had one shoelace that Gisele chewed up. So I was able to replace the one lace that looked like a my little pony tail reject.
Overall I went about 5 miles in about an hour. I only know the distance because of Google maps for my smart phone...but the time is really just an approximation - hey I'm on vacation.