
Thursday and Friday

Thursday was an interesting run. It was crappy in Chicago that day, windy, rainy, cold...but that didn't stop me and tc from running. Did a very fun, wet, and interesting 3 miles. Then, we did what made more sense...got beer. Ahhh, there's nothing like a big draft after a run (even one as short as 3 miles).

Friday was less wet and enjoyable, if only for the fact that the 5 miles were done on a treadmill. Treadmills are evil, but necessary things. Figured I'd lift a bit too, hit 'em good, but let's face it, I have a runner's build so no matter the amount I lift...I'm not gonna be Hulk Hogan-esque.

Funny story...I'd say runners are known for being 3 things 1) dedicated to routine 2) obstinate in their training schedule and 3) being as prepared as possible. Taking all factors into account, I e-mailed the race directors seeking a course map for the upcoming 10 miler. The response included, among other nuggets, a warning that part of the course would take place on Lake Shore Drive and that I should not attempt to run that portion prior to race day! Now then, LSD is a traffic-heavy winding road that spans the eastern edge of Chicago. I am not sure just what kind of crazy they think I am, but suicidal is not part of the mix. What idiot would run on LSD? I have no idea, but I do know it would go waaaaay beyond dedicated, obstinate, and prepared.

Up next: going to run as much of the 10 miler course as possible.