Yes it has, a week since I visited my physician. Since then I've not done any track days, no tempo runs, no hills. I did however have a lower leg X-Ray and nuclear bone scan. The results? As yet, unknown ("call back Monday").
I have however managed to maintain my training schedule, with the sole exception of Tuesday (the day of the bone scan). I should recap.
Monday -rested from my Sunday long run.
Tuesday - Bone scan and X-Ray. The bone scan was fascinating. They inject dye into your arm, and within minutes you can see specks of it circulating in your bloodstream; even way down in the lower legs. The scan and X-Ray took a total of 4 hours so it effectively killed my training for the day.
Wednesday - Cross trained. No impact, no danger.
Thursday - ran during lunch. Hit the track for 4 easy miles with tc. She was gonna tempo, but has been have hammie issues, so we took it easy.
Friday - 5 miles, again on the treadmill.
Today - 6 miles. Took to a local limestone path. Nice sunny day, think I got a tan. What I didn't get was leg pain, or at least mot much.
Up next: 11 miles.