
3 miles

Yesterday’s run was so-so.
The weather was fantastic. Mid 60s, slight breeze, and a nice cool drizzle. The rain actually helped quite a bit. I may not be as sweaty as some (read: tc) but given that my body is not yet used to running, I was working pretty hard to knock out those miles so the sweat came on pretty good. I didn’t cramp up after the run, I credit hydration and stretching for that.

I did however experience a fair amount of fatigue in my right quad, and the dull ache of overworked muscles remained until this morning. eb thinks I’m overdoing it, tc says “too much, too soon”…I say I’m a tough guy damn it! But I’m also a realist, so I’m gonna cut my Thursday run…I had only planned to go two miles yesterday anyway, so cutting Thursday will still keep my mileage up around ten.

Today: Rest
Tomorrow: 2 miles


That's one nice fruit bowl

Oh yeah, that's my fruit bowl centerpiece. That's right, it's a glass bowl filled with rocks, goo, and Clif Bars.

Very manly, very running oriented...don't be too jealous.


Baby I'm Back

"Don't look no farther!
Baby I'm back (yeah)
I'm here to cater to you (anything that you want me to I'll do it)
Cause I'll be your lover (I'll be your lover)
I'll be your best friend
Tell me what I gotta do (tell me what I gotta do and I'll do it)"

Today was run #1 since I've been cleared to do so by my orthopedic surgeon. I was a bit nervous the whole weekend, so thanks to tc for her kind words and support.

The run started out a little odd. I found myself limping. Limping not because my ankle hurt, but because I thought it should. It was all in my head. About five minutes into the run I settled down and took a normal, if not slightly short, stride. I found I could strike just as I should, and that favoring my ankle wasn't necessary.

I went 1.33 miles in 14:30, which is near a 10:55 pace...surprisingly that's damn close to what I guessed at in my last post.

Post run sucked, big time s..u..c..k..e..d.
My left calf cramped like it never has before. I stretched, but I still walked funny all evening. I know it's just because I haven't run in almost three months. Later on in the evening my scar (I guess that's what it was) started to hurt, and affected my walk. I look like a freak now, walking all goofy and shit. Oh well.

Up next: Rest day.


Best week ever

This week was packed with good news.
First my PT, Josh, says I'm doing great and my abilities are "high functioning", which sounds like he was calling me retarded, but in actuality he was simply saying my ankle is strong enough now to be considered normal.

Also, I saw my ortho doc on Wednesday. Doc says I get to start running at my own pace. That's right. I'm back baby! Now let's see if I remember correctly, my pace was 8:26 last time I checked.

Of course, that was for 10 miles, so if you convert x to the power of 3b, minus the coefficient of swag plus the products of z and 12.....I think that means for 3 miles or less my pace should be about 11:00 now. Harrumph, I know I'm gonna be slow.

Well, to start things off right, I've chosen a race. I've said it before, I'll say it again: I'm always in training for something. This time it'll be the AIDS Foundation of Chicago's annual 5k run/walk being held on September 16th, 2006 in Grant Park.

This race brings back fond memories for me. It was good times last year, it's bound to be good times this year.

So, up next: I'm gonna try a little jog (it may take longer just to get changed into and out of running gear).


I suppose...

...if you can't run, you can still be part of the running scene. Today I did just that. As previously mentioned, I volunteered at the CARA gear check for the Chicago Distance Classic. It was good times. Scores of runners took advantage of just one tiny member benefit...short lines and friendly faces at a members-only gear check table. The weather was good for the race, actually for the whole weekend. Runners are good people, so the whole event was fun.

Somewhat surprisingly, 80% of the volunteers at the CARA tent were nursing injuries (including yours truly). We ran the gamut from acute to chronic, and severe to just annoying injuries. It was a bit disturbing to know that the majority of volunteers were injured. Next time I take advantage of CARA gear check, I bet most of the volunteers will be injured, for them I am sad.

On a related note: tc ran, and I think she did well. Wanna know more, go read her blog.

What a fantastic weekend. Things were just perfect, the weather, the company, life. Yeah, life is good


2 shoes - nuff said

Half way

The Chicago Distance Classic Half Marathon is this weekend. Sunday to be precise. Sunday at 6:30am.

Will you be there?

I will. I'll be working with your friends at CARA. Helping both you, and me. See, I get to be around runners. Helping you, helps me. I like keeping myself connected to the running community. It fuels my passion (as tc might say).

On a side note, I had an interesting chat with eb today. Seems like she's actually thinking about getting that new hip. I say hooray! Do it girl, and get back to running, you know you miss it. I promise, I'll take it slow :) No matter her decision, it's interesting to note how one person's life affects others in so many different ways.


Those who can, do

Today I didn't run. In fact I haven't in months. Granted I have walked recently, yes against the orders of my ortho doc, and against the advice of my friends and family, regardless I haven't run in a while.

However, there are those who can't run and those who choose not to run. I clearly cannot. Now, I've never quite understood being lazy (a.k.a. choosing not to be physically active in some way). Aside from the plethora of research indicating that it is good for your body (and mind), it just feels good. And while it's possible to derive satisfaction from others around you, making yourself happy is entirely possible (yes, I will qualify that with "to an extent"). Considering the best thing you can do is to take care of yourself, that should be tops on your list. Anyway, if you can run, why not? If you are physically capable then you should...right? This is my recent thought process.

Why? You ask (or don't)? Probably because I just finished visiting my mom, and being with her during hip replacement surgery. She hasn't been able to to run, let alone walk, in many months. Actually, if she could run, she wouldn't, which is what gets me thinking about the "whole if you could, would you?" question.

I don't have an epiphany to share, nor do I think one is forthcoming (at least not until I can sleep a full nite through). Nonetheless, maybe you'll have one, maybe you'll share it, maybe we'll all be better for it.