"Don't look no farther!
Baby I'm back (yeah)
I'm here to cater to you (anything that you want me to I'll do it)
Cause I'll be your lover (I'll be your lover)
I'll be your best friend
Tell me what I gotta do (tell me what I gotta do and I'll do it)"
Today was run #1 since I've been cleared to do so by my orthopedic surgeon. I was a bit nervous the whole weekend, so thanks to tc for her kind words and support.
The run started out a little odd. I found myself limping. Limping not because my ankle hurt, but because I thought it should. It was all in my head. About five minutes into the run I settled down and took a normal, if not slightly short, stride. I found I could strike just as I should, and that favoring my ankle wasn't necessary.
I went 1.33 miles in 14:30, which is near a 10:55 pace...surprisingly that's damn close to what I guessed at in my last post.
Post run sucked, big time s..u..c..k..e..d.
My left calf cramped like it never has before. I stretched, but I still walked funny all evening. I know it's just because I haven't run in almost three months. Later on in the evening my scar (I guess that's what it was) started to hurt, and affected my walk. I look like a freak now, walking all goofy and shit. Oh well.
Up next: Rest day.
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