
Those who can, do

Today I didn't run. In fact I haven't in months. Granted I have walked recently, yes against the orders of my ortho doc, and against the advice of my friends and family, regardless I haven't run in a while.

However, there are those who can't run and those who choose not to run. I clearly cannot. Now, I've never quite understood being lazy (a.k.a. choosing not to be physically active in some way). Aside from the plethora of research indicating that it is good for your body (and mind), it just feels good. And while it's possible to derive satisfaction from others around you, making yourself happy is entirely possible (yes, I will qualify that with "to an extent"). Considering the best thing you can do is to take care of yourself, that should be tops on your list. Anyway, if you can run, why not? If you are physically capable then you should...right? This is my recent thought process.

Why? You ask (or don't)? Probably because I just finished visiting my mom, and being with her during hip replacement surgery. She hasn't been able to to run, let alone walk, in many months. Actually, if she could run, she wouldn't, which is what gets me thinking about the "whole if you could, would you?" question.

I don't have an epiphany to share, nor do I think one is forthcoming (at least not until I can sleep a full nite through). Nonetheless, maybe you'll have one, maybe you'll share it, maybe we'll all be better for it.

1 comment:

tc said...

of course, i have an opinion on everything... :-)

i think it's ok if people choose not to run. runners are a special breed of people (and i'm talking about "runners," not "people who run"), and not everyone is built to love and appreciate our sport (religion, obsession, whatever).

however, i don't think it's ok to live a life without passion. there are a million reasons why i am a runner, but it all comes down to passion. i'm passionate about it...it makes me feel passionate about my life.

i might be quite the spin doctor, but i'm terrible at expressing my own thoughts so i'll just end with a quote:

"There are as many reasons for running as there are days in the year, years in my life. But mostly I run because I am an animal and a child, an artist and a saint. So, too, are you. Find your own play, your own self-renewing compulsion, and you will become the person you are meant to be." George Sheehan