
Bootcamp, week 5 day 1

This was an assessment day. We've officially been in bootcamp for a month now. Having been working out for a month, we had to see how we (hopefully) improved. Hence, the assessment day. Here's my rundown:
Sit ups, went from 21 to 25.
Push ups, from 23 to 29.
Mile, 8:51 to 8:08.
Overall I am pleased. A quick crunch of the numbers shows like a 20-25% improvement and in just a month...not bad at all. Let's just see if I plateau or not.

On a separate and sad note. I saw the best ever Sports Medicine Doctor today. He confirmed, I have shin splints. It's goes back to the fact that i broke my ankle last year. My left side is far weaker than my right, so it works harder. That combined with the sudden intense effort brought on by bootcamp equals shin splints (left side only for now). He prescribed orthopedic inserts and physical therapy twice a week.

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