went 4 today, that's what the little piece of paper told me to do, so i did it. i listen to my training schedule more than i do just about anything or anyone else, just ask my family and freinds.
4 miles in 34:25, or a 8:36 pace. not bad considering i was just out running. really should have been closer to a 9:00 pace, but that's what i get for running without my techno-geek-tastic gps unit. i'll definatley wear it on my long runs.
since it was nice out (76 and sunny) i got hot, and as a result i got shirt-less. running without a shirt isn't generally a problem (except for my neighbors perhaps), but seeing as how it was the first really nice day in a long time and i am unusually pasty, i got burnt. of all things to burn, i burnt my collarbone. which bone exactly? well, as you can see in the drawing, it's my clavicle. it sounds odd, but when you're a skinny guy without a whole lot of fat or muscle, your bone structure is what tends to stand out, hence it burns first.
up next, the weekly long run: 8 miles.