Today was speed work, a track day to be precise (yes, circles people...circles, turn fast go left...not unlike NASCAR).
Did 8 x 400m repeats, goal time 1:40, with equidistant recoveries.
Actual times: 1:40, 1:42, 1:41, 1:41, 1:41, 1:42, 1:39, 1:39
Felt good the entire time, although my pace wasn't so good, I felt good knowing I was able to finish the workout in better form than the prior week. While I was rather consistent (lots of 1:41s) I wasn't very accurate. I gotta say though, I think these track days are making me faster in races. I hold my recent 10k time as evidence.
Tomorrow: cross training and a call to Dr. Bob (gotta find out about my shin).