
9 miles

ran with the CARA marathon training group today. tc and I decided to run with a different group and it was an excellent decision. the group leader was not only on top of what was happening, but he was decisive. we didn't dawdle at water stops, if you fell behind, then you fell behind...as long as he could see you somewhere on the path, that was good enough. none of that waiting around crap, and no more "do we have everybody? yeah, i think so."

about the actual running, it was good. 9 miles in slightly less than 12 minute pace (but don't quote me because i forgot to start up my watch after a water stop). on a final note, Sport Beans make me gassy. yeah i said it...gassy. so, if ever i forget to buy Gu before a training run or a race, and i am forced to go to Walgreen's and buy the beans...don't run behind me. this was your fair warning.


4 miles

Did the midweek semi-long run with tc. It was fine, slight drizzle, nice and cool out. I felt a bit like vomiting my lunch at several points, but that was reflection on the greasiness of my lunch and proximity to the start of my run, and not on my general fitness.

Up next: 3, but I’m skipping it. Yep. I could do it, but I’m not gonna.



Oh the shame....the shame!

Yes, it's a bit shameful...I skipped my midweek semi-long run. Wednesday's four miler didn't happen. Oh, I cross trained, that's for sure...but no running for me. Really it's for the better. Not only was cross training fun, but my left calf has been feeling a little wonky so the day off was good for it.

I did go 3 on thursday. The calf was still semi-wonkda-fied, but it wasn't as bad as before.
Saturday was the long run. Since it was a cut back week (only five instead of eight), and since the pace group leaders are too wishy washy... tc and I decided to just go on our own. Set out at like 7:30, along with ks. We made her run slow for the first half, then she was set free to fly for the last half (although she clearly went further than tc and I did. It was beautiful out, had to be in the 60's with a slight drizzle and overcast skies, perfect weather for a run. The calf got tight on the return, but never locked up or got too tight to run.

I still need to baby the calf. Today is cross training, I think I'll bike, and for sure I'll clip in so as to keep everything lined up. Later.


3 miles

Some might argue that 2.99 miles and 32:55 is not equivilent to 3 miles in 33 minutes...but I am not that someone. So I am calling 3 miles at an 11 minute pace.


7 miles and some cross training

This weekend's group long run was 7 miles. It was a fine 7 miles, as far as the actual effort of running went. For details on what was not ideal, see tc's blog...as she sums it up quite well.

Then today was cross training. Nine miles of nice gentle biking. Explored a new neighborhood, nice little bike ride up there...and may need to go back and try some of the restaurants. While we were up there i picked up the stick, that wonderful little bit of plastic that saves runners lots of pain following a good long run.



That’s the time I ran for. I have no idea how far I ran, not even sure of the exact route I took. I started out way too fast, I’d guess it was somewhere around a 9:30-9:45 pace. I only figured that out after the first mile or so, when I reached a landmark and thought “huh that was quick.” After that I slowed it down a bit. Overall I’m gonna call that equivalent to my 3 mile scheduled run.


3, 2.5, bike, bike, 6, bike, bike, blog

Yeah, it’s been that long since I’ve updated. So here’s the run down.

Tue 6.5 went 3 miles, pretty quickly for my first time out since the 3 miler, about a 10:15 pace…must have been the company riding along on the bike next to me.

Wed 6.6 all I could muster was 2.5 miles. Seriously. I was supposed to go 3 according to the CARA training schedule (I also am supposed to have been running consistently for the past 6 months or more, but we all know how that didn’t happen).

Thur and Fri 6.7 and 6.8 – Biked, ohhh about 7 miles each day.

Sat 6.9 First marathon training group long run. 6 miles, just over 12 minute pace. Yes I ran with the 12 minute group. I figure that with my lack of any kind of running base, and my desire not to injure myself, I’d better go slow. So 12 it was. Which was a good time except for the girl who would sporadically decide to stop running and start speed walking, and the douchebag who kept complaining that the pace was too slow for him. Hey! Douchebag, shut your cake hole. This is the SLOWEST POSSIBLE PACE GROUP. It’s not like your superman and in the 7 minute group and that’s too slow for you. Some of us are not speed demons asshole. You might be upsetting us fatsos with your jibber jabber, and we may be forced to eat you.

Sun 6.10 well-deserved rest day.

Mon 6.11 Bike 7 miles

Tues 6.12 Bike 7 miles (yes I missed a 3 mile run)