It's pretty revolting to think I used to be 140lbs. Most people wouldn't care about a few pounds, but when you used to wiegh 140lbs, you start thinkging in percent. For example: a 200lb man could gain 20lbs and it would be 10% of his original weight, but if a 140lb man does that, you're talking about 14%. To keep up, the 200lb man would have to gain 28lbs. See? Or has the fat gone to my head?
Well, that's why there is now a countdown. A countdown to skinniness. A countdown, back down, to 145 (a good weight for me). Like all good countdowns there must be a starting point, and that point is my current (blubbery) weight. So, the countdown begins today at 157.
Tick, tick ...
Good way to spend good money
That baby on the left...that's my new toy. She is a 2006 LeMond Tourmalet. She doesn't have a name yet. So i'm open to suggestions. Feel free to leave one via comments.
Why did I get her? Well, many reasons. First, I've been wanting a bike for months now. I need to move into the city limits (a requirement of my amazing new job). And finally, it's going to be my cross training. I've gone off beofre about how I can't stand the stationary bikes at health clubs. Nothing is more boring than pedaling your ass off and not going anywhere. At least with running you move, you go from point A to point B. Ahhh running. I havent done a whole lot of that lately, and I'm missing it. My ankle has been aching a lot lately; I'm chalking that up to the weather in Chicago.
Mad props to my buddy KM. She got engaged recently. Way to go KM! Nothing but love for ya!
Baker's Square
Last night's run was great. I didn't plan to go any certain time or distance, in fact as it turns out I decided that running to Baker's Square and back seemed somehow appropriate (considering I feel ike a tubby bastard as of late).
I felt myself moving swift, like ninja, through the tough suburban streets. It was drizzly, just a little spit really. That rain was a nice way to keep cool though; see, we've been having this heatwave, and by heatwave I mean it's been in the mid sixties most of the week. For winter in Chicago, that's really hot. So the little rain that came down was welcomed, it kept me feeling cool and comfortable during the run. About that run. I knew I was cruising along pretty good. My legs felt light, and my lungs capable. I got slightly winded a couple of times and knew that I was pushing it a little hard, so I eased up and settled back into a more reasonable pace.
In the end, my pace was still pretty quick. 2.8 miles in 24:18, that's an 8:41 pace. Like I said, I knew I was cruising along pretty good.
Next? I think I'll rest for a day or two.
I felt myself moving swift, like ninja, through the tough suburban streets. It was drizzly, just a little spit really. That rain was a nice way to keep cool though; see, we've been having this heatwave, and by heatwave I mean it's been in the mid sixties most of the week. For winter in Chicago, that's really hot. So the little rain that came down was welcomed, it kept me feeling cool and comfortable during the run. About that run. I knew I was cruising along pretty good. My legs felt light, and my lungs capable. I got slightly winded a couple of times and knew that I was pushing it a little hard, so I eased up and settled back into a more reasonable pace.
In the end, my pace was still pretty quick. 2.8 miles in 24:18, that's an 8:41 pace. Like I said, I knew I was cruising along pretty good.
Next? I think I'll rest for a day or two.
I ran again
Chicago is flat. F. L. A. T. I never realized just how flat it is here. I used to think that running here was a challenge. It sure seemed like I was pushing myself; granted to run a hill workout your best bet it so go to the local parking garage. That was all until I ran in Pennsylvania.
Pennsylvania is hilly. Not like "the hills are alive with the sounds of music" hilly, more like the hills want to punish you hilly. I thought I'd go for a couple of nice short runs; didn't want to set a distance goal or anything, and being on vacation in a place I've never been sure helped that.
My two runs turned out pretty well, despite the hills. First run was 26 minutes with no idea how far I went. The second was 39 minutes, again with no idea what distance I covered. Both times my legs felt tired near the end of the run, but neither time did I hurt excessively the next day or two.
I think I may have finally started on the road to recovery, mental recovery. Just running for the sake of running. No goals, no times, no "must do" distances....just running pure and simple. Being a simple man, this simplicity pleases me. It's starting to go back to what it's supposed to be, and I couldn't be happier.
P.S. I think I need new shoes.
In reality doc says the ankle plate is strong and that I am healed enough to run as I used to run. In my head, I'm still all wonky. All concerned that I am going to re-injure myself if I heel strike.
I didn't really share it, but my last Tampa run hurt me. I figure I had acute plantar faciitis following my run. It resolved itself in a week or so (lots of babying the foot, lots of limping). The cause? Best I can tell it was from my form. More accurately my bad form. Later in the run my calves started to tire; I'm simply not used to those distances on my forefoot. Late in the run, my form changed and I started not just striking on the forefoot, but also dropping to the heel after striking. This caused a lot of flex in my arch. Strike, flex until heel touches, flex again on the push up, then repeat. All that flexing probably stressed my plantar fascia. So, yeah it seems I caused my last injury because my head is not yet fully healed.
I have a therapy plan. You know, as a psychology major I am somewhat qualified to come up with a therapy plan ;-)
My therapy? I'm going to try running in my old heel strike form. Short distances first, then maybe I'll go longer; provided I feel right. After all, I started striking on the forefoot simply to avoid the heel strike, since it seemed to be placing a lot of stress on my ankle.
On a separate note, I started a new job last week and it is amazing. Nothing like having to learn two new software packages under the gun. I get to learn a programing language and a new OS, all kind of on the fly. But damn it, it's exciting!
4.5 miles at 9:55 pace
I'm pretty pleased with that. I was planning for between 3 and 6 miles. As it turns out my loop on Bayshore Blvd happened to go 2.25 miles before the walkway ended. True, I could have overshot my starting point by a half mile or more and looped back...essentially making two seperate out and back loops, but I didn''s why:
I about killed my sister, who hasn't run since August. She dropped out less than a mile into today's run. So, I didn't want to take too much longer than her. I managed to pick her back up on my return, but she still wasn't hanging with me. I wasn't worried about either of us having a great run. Afterall, we were just out there to reduce stress, not train, so it wasn't that important to go far today. Also, the sun, heat, and humidity along the Bay are insane. Luckily the wind wasn't like it was in February.
At any rate. The run was good overall. We escaped the ICU for an hour, blew off some steam, and I still managed to knock out the longest run since my ankle broke.
I about killed my sister, who hasn't run since August. She dropped out less than a mile into today's run. So, I didn't want to take too much longer than her. I managed to pick her back up on my return, but she still wasn't hanging with me. I wasn't worried about either of us having a great run. Afterall, we were just out there to reduce stress, not train, so it wasn't that important to go far today. Also, the sun, heat, and humidity along the Bay are insane. Luckily the wind wasn't like it was in February.
At any rate. The run was good overall. We escaped the ICU for an hour, blew off some steam, and I still managed to knock out the longest run since my ankle broke.
On the road again
I should be terse as I am posting from the road, actually from my phone right now. I have just two points to make.
1. spectated last weekend at the Chicago Marathon. tc's friend rw ran a freaking great time, and tracking him down over 26.2 miles to cheer him on was awesome. it made me both very sad because I wasn't running and very excited because there's always '07 baby. you better believe I will take every "minor" injury seriously so as to be able to run it.
2. since I haven't run latley, I haven't posted. I figure if I post tonight, maybe i'm more likely to stick to what I plan and actually run. so here it is. tomorrow I will be running somewhere between 3 and 6 miles with my sister "steen". the plan is to bring a change of clothes, leave the ICU, knock out the run and return all sweaty about an hour later. the lovely sights along Bayshore Blvd should keep us distracted. i'm just hoping the wind isn't like it was during the Marathon, because we'll be following the same course as I ran in February. also, hoping no one notices that the two returning visitors are all sweaty and stinky.
1. spectated last weekend at the Chicago Marathon. tc's friend rw ran a freaking great time, and tracking him down over 26.2 miles to cheer him on was awesome. it made me both very sad because I wasn't running and very excited because there's always '07 baby. you better believe I will take every "minor" injury seriously so as to be able to run it.
2. since I haven't run latley, I haven't posted. I figure if I post tonight, maybe i'm more likely to stick to what I plan and actually run. so here it is. tomorrow I will be running somewhere between 3 and 6 miles with my sister "steen". the plan is to bring a change of clothes, leave the ICU, knock out the run and return all sweaty about an hour later. the lovely sights along Bayshore Blvd should keep us distracted. i'm just hoping the wind isn't like it was during the Marathon, because we'll be following the same course as I ran in February. also, hoping no one notices that the two returning visitors are all sweaty and stinky.
Boxed out
Well boxing class was something.
The trainer is clearly delusional in his assessment of our abilities. I appreciate his never-ending drive and push, but wow man, he's harsh.
I pushed it, and my ankle told me so. I was swollen last nite, and achey today. But it's all worth it, I will be better for it.
Up next: a little bit of sweet rest
3.30 miles
What's with the random distances? I have no freakin idea.
Well, I went 3.3 today, in 29:30, which is just about 9:00 pace. That's a good minute faster than my typical pace these days.
I'm not sure why I went so fast. I definitely knew that I was going faster, and it felt good. I passed some pedestrians along the way, and as per the usual I sped up when passing. One of them exclaimed to the other "geez!" as I whizzed by them. OK, maybe I didn't give them a wide berth, but whatever, it's not like I clipped one of em, and I certainly didn't need to yell "on your right". Bitches betta recognize!
Up next: boxing class
1.9 miles
I actually feel better now that I've run. I was feeling pretty sore the past two days.
I was dumb/ambitious enough to sign up for a boxing class. Beginner's boxing so they said. I think the instructor forgot that we were all coming back multiple times and he didn't need to cram in 8 weeks of class into a one hour session. Needless to say, my body was not used to actually being used.
Well now I feel better. My legs and ass don't hurt like they did yesterday and this morning. I'm just hoping this good feeling doesn't fade :)
Hrm...should I run a 5k this weekend? Depends on my state of hungover-ness.
2.25 miles
So anyway, it's been a week since my last post. Also a week since I was going to run. Since then so much has happened. It's been one sugary sweet week, for everything but running.
Since my ankle hurt like a son of a bitch after the race I thought I should take some more time off than just a day or two. A week seemed more than appropriate; especially since I still hurt last Monday.
Today was 2.25 miles in 23 minutes. Roughly a 10 minute pace, just where I want to be. Not surprisingly I was tired through most of the run, my lungs just wouldn't keep up. Ultimately I suppose that's a good thing, since more speed would mean more pain (I assume).
On a separate note: I have discovered that my ankle is now a very accurate barometer. I can sense weather changes, and impending rain pretty accurately; and painfully I might add. Since it seems very paranormal, I haven't talked to many folks about it, but tc tells me she has similar sensations (in her legs), so now I am open to it. Tell me, anyone else out there have the same barometric super-powers? If so, how freakin odd is it? I'm still adjusting, for now I'm perturbed at the aching alerts I get via ankle plate.
So what's next? No clue, but I can tell you no running till Thursday at the earliest.
AIDS 5k Run
The AIDS Foundation of Chicago 5k run and walk was Saturday September 16th. I, along with many coworkers patricipated. It's one of the events our organization supports each year. I ran it, of course. My unofficial results:
time: 29:06
pace: 9:23
That was OK for my first race back. I didn't intend, or need, to run better than a 10:00 pace, but somehow the second mile was faster than it should have been, and then in the last halfmile I just kicked it into gear.
I probably shouldn't have. My ankle swelled real bad, and hurt like an S.O.B. both that night and this morning. Oh well.
up next: Monday - 2 miles.
2.8 miles
Sweet, like sugar.
For now that's not so bad. Almost three miles (sorry folks, I forgot my geek-tastic GPS unit) in 28:29. That's about a 10:10 pace. A vast improvement on my typical pace as of late. But it's also a good reason I shouldn't run alone; I need a little "help" with slowing down.
Here's one reason I need help slowing down. I am rather sure not every other runner is wired the way I am. When I see people up ahead...and by people I mean pedestrians...I speed up. Is it vanity? A need to show people that I am actually running? or is it the competitor in me? Just like I chased down that poor 8 y.o. during last year's Wheaton 5k just to beat him out at the finish and have his family label me as "that mean man"? I mean, I am a competitive person after all. I've even cheated at a friendly card game (sorry mom, but you must have already known dad and I weren't that lucky)
I'm not sure. But those of you who know me pretty well, probably have your own thoughts.
Up next:
Thursday - rest day
Friday - 1.5miles
continuing poo
That's how my 2 miles felt crap. I found out that heel striking, which is simply what i do, isn't for me anymore. Too many psychological barriers to get past (is my leg gonna break? was that a twinge of pain or just general stiffness? is this what it used to feel like?). Needless to say I started landing on my forefoot; there's simply more cushion and shock absorber-like action from my legs.
Result: my friggin right calf hurt all day today. I'm sore, and stiff, and I'm walking like a gimp...again.
This is crap.
That's how my 2 miles felt crap. I found out that heel striking, which is simply what i do, isn't for me anymore. Too many psychological barriers to get past (is my leg gonna break? was that a twinge of pain or just general stiffness? is this what it used to feel like?). Needless to say I started landing on my forefoot; there's simply more cushion and shock absorber-like action from my legs.
Result: my friggin right calf hurt all day today. I'm sore, and stiff, and I'm walking like a gimp...again.
This is crap.
well poo
Ok, so first things first. I ran last Thursday. Went just over 2 miles, I was aiming for 2, so it was a good estimate. Did it hurt to run? Not really. It felt not unlike it did last Tuesday, little odd, definite leg fatigue.
So that begs the question. Did it hurt later?
So I took off this holiday weekend. No running Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and now Tuesday. That's five whole days. Five days man!
I will try again tomorrow. No promises. I just don't want to make any. I'm not in the mood.
So that begs the question. Did it hurt later?
So I took off this holiday weekend. No running Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and now Tuesday. That's five whole days. Five days man!
I will try again tomorrow. No promises. I just don't want to make any. I'm not in the mood.
3 miles
Yesterday’s run was so-so.
The weather was fantastic. Mid 60s, slight breeze, and a nice cool drizzle. The rain actually helped quite a bit. I may not be as sweaty as some (read: tc) but given that my body is not yet used to running, I was working pretty hard to knock out those miles so the sweat came on pretty good. I didn’t cramp up after the run, I credit hydration and stretching for that.
I did however experience a fair amount of fatigue in my right quad, and the dull ache of overworked muscles remained until this morning. eb thinks I’m overdoing it, tc says “too much, too soon”…I say I’m a tough guy damn it! But I’m also a realist, so I’m gonna cut my Thursday run…I had only planned to go two miles yesterday anyway, so cutting Thursday will still keep my mileage up around ten.
Today: Rest
Tomorrow: 2 miles
That's one nice fruit bowl
Baby I'm Back
"Don't look no farther!
Baby I'm back (yeah)
I'm here to cater to you (anything that you want me to I'll do it)
Cause I'll be your lover (I'll be your lover)
I'll be your best friend
Tell me what I gotta do (tell me what I gotta do and I'll do it)"
Today was run #1 since I've been cleared to do so by my orthopedic surgeon. I was a bit nervous the whole weekend, so thanks to tc for her kind words and support.
The run started out a little odd. I found myself limping. Limping not because my ankle hurt, but because I thought it should. It was all in my head. About five minutes into the run I settled down and took a normal, if not slightly short, stride. I found I could strike just as I should, and that favoring my ankle wasn't necessary.
I went 1.33 miles in 14:30, which is near a 10:55 pace...surprisingly that's damn close to what I guessed at in my last post.
Post run sucked, big time s..u..c..k..e..d.
My left calf cramped like it never has before. I stretched, but I still walked funny all evening. I know it's just because I haven't run in almost three months. Later on in the evening my scar (I guess that's what it was) started to hurt, and affected my walk. I look like a freak now, walking all goofy and shit. Oh well.
Up next: Rest day.
Best week ever
This week was packed with good news.
First my PT, Josh, says I'm doing great and my abilities are "high functioning", which sounds like he was calling me retarded, but in actuality he was simply saying my ankle is strong enough now to be considered normal.
Also, I saw my ortho doc on Wednesday. Doc says I get to start running at my own pace. That's right. I'm back baby! Now let's see if I remember correctly, my pace was 8:26 last time I checked.
Of course, that was for 10 miles, so if you convert x to the power of 3b, minus the coefficient of swag plus the products of z and 12.....I think that means for 3 miles or less my pace should be about 11:00 now. Harrumph, I know I'm gonna be slow.
Well, to start things off right, I've chosen a race. I've said it before, I'll say it again: I'm always in training for something. This time it'll be the AIDS Foundation of Chicago's annual 5k run/walk being held on September 16th, 2006 in Grant Park.
This race brings back fond memories for me. It was good times last year, it's bound to be good times this year.
So, up next: I'm gonna try a little jog (it may take longer just to get changed into and out of running gear).
First my PT, Josh, says I'm doing great and my abilities are "high functioning", which sounds like he was calling me retarded, but in actuality he was simply saying my ankle is strong enough now to be considered normal.
Also, I saw my ortho doc on Wednesday. Doc says I get to start running at my own pace. That's right. I'm back baby! Now let's see if I remember correctly, my pace was 8:26 last time I checked.
Of course, that was for 10 miles, so if you convert x to the power of 3b, minus the coefficient of swag plus the products of z and 12.....I think that means for 3 miles or less my pace should be about 11:00 now. Harrumph, I know I'm gonna be slow.
Well, to start things off right, I've chosen a race. I've said it before, I'll say it again: I'm always in training for something. This time it'll be the AIDS Foundation of Chicago's annual 5k run/walk being held on September 16th, 2006 in Grant Park.
This race brings back fond memories for me. It was good times last year, it's bound to be good times this year.
So, up next: I'm gonna try a little jog (it may take longer just to get changed into and out of running gear).
I suppose...
...if you can't run, you can still be part of the running scene. Today I did just that. As previously mentioned, I volunteered at the CARA gear check for the Chicago Distance Classic. It was good times. Scores of runners took advantage of just one tiny member benefit...short lines and friendly faces at a members-only gear check table. The weather was good for the race, actually for the whole weekend. Runners are good people, so the whole event was fun.
Somewhat surprisingly, 80% of the volunteers at the CARA tent were nursing injuries (including yours truly). We ran the gamut from acute to chronic, and severe to just annoying injuries. It was a bit disturbing to know that the majority of volunteers were injured. Next time I take advantage of CARA gear check, I bet most of the volunteers will be injured, for them I am sad.
On a related note: tc ran, and I think she did well. Wanna know more, go read her blog.
What a fantastic weekend. Things were just perfect, the weather, the company, life. Yeah, life is good
Somewhat surprisingly, 80% of the volunteers at the CARA tent were nursing injuries (including yours truly). We ran the gamut from acute to chronic, and severe to just annoying injuries. It was a bit disturbing to know that the majority of volunteers were injured. Next time I take advantage of CARA gear check, I bet most of the volunteers will be injured, for them I am sad.
On a related note: tc ran, and I think she did well. Wanna know more, go read her blog.
What a fantastic weekend. Things were just perfect, the weather, the company, life. Yeah, life is good
Half way
The Chicago Distance Classic Half Marathon is this weekend. Sunday to be precise. Sunday at 6:30am.
Will you be there?
I will. I'll be working with your friends at CARA. Helping both you, and me. See, I get to be around runners. Helping you, helps me. I like keeping myself connected to the running community. It fuels my passion (as tc might say).
On a side note, I had an interesting chat with eb today. Seems like she's actually thinking about getting that new hip. I say hooray! Do it girl, and get back to running, you know you miss it. I promise, I'll take it slow :) No matter her decision, it's interesting to note how one person's life affects others in so many different ways.
Those who can, do
Today I didn't run. In fact I haven't in months. Granted I have walked recently, yes against the orders of my ortho doc, and against the advice of my friends and family, regardless I haven't run in a while.
However, there are those who can't run and those who choose not to run. I clearly cannot. Now, I've never quite understood being lazy (a.k.a. choosing not to be physically active in some way). Aside from the plethora of research indicating that it is good for your body (and mind), it just feels good. And while it's possible to derive satisfaction from others around you, making yourself happy is entirely possible (yes, I will qualify that with "to an extent"). Considering the best thing you can do is to take care of yourself, that should be tops on your list. Anyway, if you can run, why not? If you are physically capable then you should...right? This is my recent thought process.
Why? You ask (or don't)? Probably because I just finished visiting my mom, and being with her during hip replacement surgery. She hasn't been able to to run, let alone walk, in many months. Actually, if she could run, she wouldn't, which is what gets me thinking about the "whole if you could, would you?" question.
I don't have an epiphany to share, nor do I think one is forthcoming (at least not until I can sleep a full nite through). Nonetheless, maybe you'll have one, maybe you'll share it, maybe we'll all be better for it.
However, there are those who can't run and those who choose not to run. I clearly cannot. Now, I've never quite understood being lazy (a.k.a. choosing not to be physically active in some way). Aside from the plethora of research indicating that it is good for your body (and mind), it just feels good. And while it's possible to derive satisfaction from others around you, making yourself happy is entirely possible (yes, I will qualify that with "to an extent"). Considering the best thing you can do is to take care of yourself, that should be tops on your list. Anyway, if you can run, why not? If you are physically capable then you should...right? This is my recent thought process.
Why? You ask (or don't)? Probably because I just finished visiting my mom, and being with her during hip replacement surgery. She hasn't been able to to run, let alone walk, in many months. Actually, if she could run, she wouldn't, which is what gets me thinking about the "whole if you could, would you?" question.
I don't have an epiphany to share, nor do I think one is forthcoming (at least not until I can sleep a full nite through). Nonetheless, maybe you'll have one, maybe you'll share it, maybe we'll all be better for it.
Running is fan-f'ing-tastic! I know that not everyone loves running, but I am one of those people who actually enjoys it, and what's not to enjoy? It's easy to get home, toss off the day's stresses, put on some running shoes and shorts (shirt optional in this Chicago heat) and go for a nice relaxing run.
Training is a little different. Training requires a great amount of dedication and discipline. I do enjoy training, sometimes. My hats off to those (including tc) currently training for the 2006 Chicago Marathon.
Today I just want to share an old Chinese proverb, that I find applies to both life in general and training:
The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials.
Training is a little different. Training requires a great amount of dedication and discipline. I do enjoy training, sometimes. My hats off to those (including tc) currently training for the 2006 Chicago Marathon.
Today I just want to share an old Chinese proverb, that I find applies to both life in general and training:
The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials.
The Gremlin

As you are aware, I am The Gremlin...the evil little voice in every runner's head that says "go faster".
Today at work, oh yeah in our office building lobby, we had a carnival day; ice cream treats, a psychic, and a stilt walker who makes balloon animals. Don't ask about carnival day, I don't know why it happens, it just happens. Obviously the situation presented itself and it was kismet. Fate brought me to this point, I had to get a gremlin.
Seems simple enough, so I request one:
Me: "Hey man, you do gremlins?"
Dude: "What's a gremlin?"
Me: "a little green monster"
Dude: "what's it look like?"
Me: "it's little.... and green"
Dude: "uhhh, sure? I can do that"
Turns out, he'd never tried anything monster-like, I got the first gremlin from this particular high-class artist. Well, I was very pleased with the result. Hope you all like him as much as I do, sorry for the picture quality...turns out Treo cameras suck.
The good ole days

I realize that there are no pictures of me running. Coincidence? I think not. I am best behind the camera, not in front of it. However, one of tc's buddies caught me at the Soldier Field 10 Miler..and I must say, I don't mind this shot one bit, mainly because all you see is my back.
Getting this shot from her was a reminder of the running I love so much...and just how much I miss it. Ahhh, the good ole days.
On the bright side, I get to wear two shoes next week. Yes, like a normal person, for one hour a day, two days a week (that just so happens to match my rehab schedule) I will be wearing two shoes. Say bye bye Das Boot.
I promised post-op x-rays

Ok folks, here you go...3 weeks post operative. Notice the "hardware" as everyone likes to call it. By everyone, I mean all the medical professionals I have seen over the past month or so.
Oh, and by the way, I now get a nice little card to carry in my wallet that says "This patient has been implanted with orthopaedic hardware that may be detected by X-ray and security devices."
Well, next time I fly, I guess I can whip out my get out of airport jail free card.
Birthday love
2008 Olympic Marathon Trials
USATF Selects New York and Boston to host trials, full story at:
Relay For Life

That's right. Crutches, boot and all I did the Relay. Not your typical multi-leg relay, no baton either. Instead Relay For Life is all about walking, or running if that's more your speed, around a track in order to raise funds for cancer research and education.
So, why would I be involved with Relay? Simple, it's a good cause, and apparently I'm a "good boy". Even if I can't run it, I can crutch it bitches! And crutch it I did.
My Relay results:
total time cructhing: 2 hours (in one hour segments)
total distance crutched: 4 miles (2x2mile repeats)
average speed: 2miles/hour
My personal gremlin was with me the whole way. I walked with others on the team, and they kept saying "we can stop when you're tired" or "can you do another lap?" damn if my gremilin didn't want to scream back "I can go as far as you" or "This ain't nunthin!" oh well, sometimes the gremlin is good for you, I know tc's killing hers..but mine is as strong as ever, and it helped me get some fairly impressive results.
I think those results are pretty damn good, it justifies all those donations that folks made (not hat any justification was needed). Thanks everyone.
Visited the doc today
Doc said I am healing "very well".
Had the cast removed, almost had a new one put on (even picked out a color), but then the x-rays came back...I get to "jump" right into a soft supportive boot.
Most exciting thing about this: I get to shower without using a garbage bag!
Will post pics of the incision site soon.
Pics of the post op x-ray coming in 3 weeks.
Up next: three weeks in the boot, still crutching.
Had the cast removed, almost had a new one put on (even picked out a color), but then the x-rays came back...I get to "jump" right into a soft supportive boot.
Most exciting thing about this: I get to shower without using a garbage bag!
Will post pics of the incision site soon.
Pics of the post op x-ray coming in 3 weeks.
Up next: three weeks in the boot, still crutching.
A couple of coworkers and I went out to lunch yesterday. Simple, no? I mean really, it's just three people going to grab grub and shovel it down like we are small children eating cookies hoping our parents don't suddenly come around the corner.
All was well until the return trip. We ran into a few other coworkers, who by most standards are nice enough people. My problem came when asked where we went. Portillos. WHAT? That's so far. By so far I mean about 5 or 6 city blocks...but by so far she meant how did you crutch that far you invalid? Now come on. I ran 26.2 miles in February. How is it possible that I am a total invalid by June? Seriously. I can't stand the "How do you manage?" or the "It's nice to see you getting around so well."
I am not an invalid.
I am just slightly broken and it will pass.
All was well until the return trip. We ran into a few other coworkers, who by most standards are nice enough people. My problem came when asked where we went. Portillos. WHAT? That's so far. By so far I mean about 5 or 6 city blocks...but by so far she meant how did you crutch that far you invalid? Now come on. I ran 26.2 miles in February. How is it possible that I am a total invalid by June? Seriously. I can't stand the "How do you manage?" or the "It's nice to see you getting around so well."
I am not an invalid.
I am just slightly broken and it will pass.
Oh so much activity
Wow. It seems like I just broke my ankle yesterday.
Fact is I broke it 2 whole weeks ago. So much has happened in that 2 week period that it's hard to even know where to start.
So, since my last post I saw an orthopedic surgeon. Went in just after the Memorial Day holiday to see what's up with the break. Since I only got a splint in the ER, I knew I'd have to get a cast. Dropped in, gave him my x-rays and discussed options. Turns out I had two. 1) leave the bones as-is and slap a cast on, or 2) cut me open, screw a plate on the bones to hold 'em put and then slap a cast on.
Clearly leaving them as-is would have been easiest, however it also could have affected the whole running thing. Good thing the doc's a runner, he knows what it's like (runners are good people). I can't run as well if I have a limp. So, that was that, option 2 turned out to be the only real option.
Day after I met with the ortho doc I underwent surgery. "Open Reduction Internal Fixation" to be specific. My wife (who works in a hospital) tells me ORIFs are fairly common, that didn't help her deal with the fact that I was the one under the surgeon's knife. She was a trooper though.
Surgery was quick, recovery...not quite as quick. I spent the next three days sitting on my couch, popping pills as needed, and sleeping like a newborn (one hour on, one hour off). Amen for AIM and text messaging :-) Thanks TC and EB...I needed the entertainment; it really made the days so much better.
So, without the throbbing pain I visited the orthopedic surgeon again. This time, no surgery, just a cast. Blue.
Well, now I am back at work, but no running for me.
Up next...I don't know what the future holds, we'll just have to wait and see.
Fact is I broke it 2 whole weeks ago. So much has happened in that 2 week period that it's hard to even know where to start.
So, since my last post I saw an orthopedic surgeon. Went in just after the Memorial Day holiday to see what's up with the break. Since I only got a splint in the ER, I knew I'd have to get a cast. Dropped in, gave him my x-rays and discussed options. Turns out I had two. 1) leave the bones as-is and slap a cast on, or 2) cut me open, screw a plate on the bones to hold 'em put and then slap a cast on.
Clearly leaving them as-is would have been easiest, however it also could have affected the whole running thing. Good thing the doc's a runner, he knows what it's like (runners are good people). I can't run as well if I have a limp. So, that was that, option 2 turned out to be the only real option.
Day after I met with the ortho doc I underwent surgery. "Open Reduction Internal Fixation" to be specific. My wife (who works in a hospital) tells me ORIFs are fairly common, that didn't help her deal with the fact that I was the one under the surgeon's knife. She was a trooper though.
Surgery was quick, recovery...not quite as quick. I spent the next three days sitting on my couch, popping pills as needed, and sleeping like a newborn (one hour on, one hour off). Amen for AIM and text messaging :-) Thanks TC and EB...I needed the entertainment; it really made the days so much better.
So, without the throbbing pain I visited the orthopedic surgeon again. This time, no surgery, just a cast. Blue.
Well, now I am back at work, but no running for me.
Up next...I don't know what the future holds, we'll just have to wait and see.
A picture is worth a thousand words

So, here's two thousand words worth.
That's my left leg, see the break just above the ankle? It apparently broke sometime during mile 7 yesterday.
The doctors didn't believe it when they saw it. It seemed to be a simple sprain when I hobbled into the ER today. The nurse and the doc all thought, "eh, I'm sure it's a sprain. The fact that you could run on it is a good sign."
When the X-Rays came back there was a great deal of hubbub. Docs and nurses alike were chatting about "the guy who ran 10 miles on a broken leg". To be clear, it was really only about 3.5 miles. I'm pretty sure that twang of pain in mile 7 was the bone breaking.
Up next: 4-6 weeks of a cast.
Officially 1:24:22
Average pace: 8:26
So, since the goal was under 1:30, but really I was gunning for 1:25...I am damn pleased with the outcome.
What about tc you say? She finished a good minute and a half better than her goal time. More importantly I think she had fun, which we all know is the true reward for running.
Average pace: 8:26
So, since the goal was under 1:30, but really I was gunning for 1:25...I am damn pleased with the outcome.
What about tc you say? She finished a good minute and a half better than her goal time. More importantly I think she had fun, which we all know is the true reward for running.
Has it been long enough?
That's the question today, and I'm not just referring to the time that has elapsed since my last post.
Sunday, oh Sunday. Supposed to be holy day right? The I ask you if someone up there hates me? Seriously, six days before the 10 miler and I tweak my ankle. Why "tweak"? Well tweak sounds better than "sprain" to me, so that's what I'm using. Yeah, so it's mild and as of today it feels much better. The big question was "has it been long enough?" I hate resting, I feel all stiff the next day, feel like I didn't accomplish anything, but I do know it had to be done.
Since the tweaking incident I didn't run. Monday was rest anyway, so that was fine. Tuesday could have been hills or track work, it was actually more rest. Wednesday was supposed to be cross training, it ended up
Thursday, well that's today and it's also the first trial run since the tweaking incident. It actually felt ok. I taped it like crazy, iced like I should have before and after, and the end result is an ankle that feels ok.
Friday will be more rest.
Saturday will be the test.
Sunday will be ???
So, look for news on Saturday. I'll post my finishing time, and you know I'll finish damn it!
Resting today
The run yesterday was great, ran with tc and did a nice easy pace. Average pace was 9:44 for the 8 miles we ran together. I crammed in a couple of miles before I met up with tc, so I was able to turn it into my long run.
Strangely enough, my ass hurts. Specifically my left ass muscle hurts. Never happened before, and I suppose I should be grateful it isn't my shin. But man, this does make sitting a little less than enjoyable, so if I look like a crack addict for the next couple of days...constantly milling about, never sitting, always's really just because my ass hurts too much to sit down.
Up next: 6 miles.
Thursday and Friday
Thursday was an interesting run. It was crappy in Chicago that day, windy, rainy, cold...but that didn't stop me and tc from running. Did a very fun, wet, and interesting 3 miles. Then, we did what made more beer. Ahhh, there's nothing like a big draft after a run (even one as short as 3 miles).
Friday was less wet and enjoyable, if only for the fact that the 5 miles were done on a treadmill. Treadmills are evil, but necessary things. Figured I'd lift a bit too, hit 'em good, but let's face it, I have a runner's build so no matter the amount I lift...I'm not gonna be Hulk Hogan-esque.
Funny story...I'd say runners are known for being 3 things 1) dedicated to routine 2) obstinate in their training schedule and 3) being as prepared as possible. Taking all factors into account, I e-mailed the race directors seeking a course map for the upcoming 10 miler. The response included, among other nuggets, a warning that part of the course would take place on Lake Shore Drive and that I should not attempt to run that portion prior to race day! Now then, LSD is a traffic-heavy winding road that spans the eastern edge of Chicago. I am not sure just what kind of crazy they think I am, but suicidal is not part of the mix. What idiot would run on LSD? I have no idea, but I do know it would go waaaaay beyond dedicated, obstinate, and prepared.
Up next: going to run as much of the 10 miler course as possible.
Friday was less wet and enjoyable, if only for the fact that the 5 miles were done on a treadmill. Treadmills are evil, but necessary things. Figured I'd lift a bit too, hit 'em good, but let's face it, I have a runner's build so no matter the amount I lift...I'm not gonna be Hulk Hogan-esque.
Funny story...I'd say runners are known for being 3 things 1) dedicated to routine 2) obstinate in their training schedule and 3) being as prepared as possible. Taking all factors into account, I e-mailed the race directors seeking a course map for the upcoming 10 miler. The response included, among other nuggets, a warning that part of the course would take place on Lake Shore Drive and that I should not attempt to run that portion prior to race day! Now then, LSD is a traffic-heavy winding road that spans the eastern edge of Chicago. I am not sure just what kind of crazy they think I am, but suicidal is not part of the mix. What idiot would run on LSD? I have no idea, but I do know it would go waaaaay beyond dedicated, obstinate, and prepared.
Up next: going to run as much of the 10 miler course as possible.
Amen for Dixie Cups!
Ran just a bit too long yesterday: 11.7 miles not 11. Unsure why, but it felt good the entire time. This is a definite success. The pace was 8:43 on average, and the shins didn't hurt once. Went right home afterwards and iced them with the Dixie Cup method. Learned this neat trick from tc.
Fill dixie cups most of the way with water, freeze overnight, rip off the top half or so of the cup, invert, and ice those shins! Oohhhhhhhhh yeah, that's nice. Controlled icy goodness.
Fill dixie cups most of the way with water, freeze overnight, rip off the top half or so of the cup, invert, and ice those shins! Oohhhhhhhhh yeah, that's nice. Controlled icy goodness.
It's been a week
Yes it has, a week since I visited my physician. Since then I've not done any track days, no tempo runs, no hills. I did however have a lower leg X-Ray and nuclear bone scan. The results? As yet, unknown ("call back Monday").
I have however managed to maintain my training schedule, with the sole exception of Tuesday (the day of the bone scan). I should recap.
Monday -rested from my Sunday long run.
Tuesday - Bone scan and X-Ray. The bone scan was fascinating. They inject dye into your arm, and within minutes you can see specks of it circulating in your bloodstream; even way down in the lower legs. The scan and X-Ray took a total of 4 hours so it effectively killed my training for the day.
Wednesday - Cross trained. No impact, no danger.
Thursday - ran during lunch. Hit the track for 4 easy miles with tc. She was gonna tempo, but has been have hammie issues, so we took it easy.
Friday - 5 miles, again on the treadmill.
Today - 6 miles. Took to a local limestone path. Nice sunny day, think I got a tan. What I didn't get was leg pain, or at least mot much.
Up next: 11 miles.
Two for one
Today's post will be a two for one special.
Yesterday I ran five miles, per the training plan. Then I went and saw "the Voice of Reason". The diagnosis on my shin? As yet, unknown. In the meantime I'm now on anti-inflamatory drugs and have a bone scan scheduled. Oh so fun.
Today. Well, per the plan I went 10 miles, slow and steady. Of course also per my doc's instructions I had to run on a very soft surface...that spells t-r-e-a-d-m-i-l-l that was boring.
Up next: rest day.
P.S. The wifey ran today. This makes me happy. When wifey runs, the Gremlin is both addictive and contagious.
Wednesday was cross training. Such a boring event that it didn't warrant a post.
Biked for 20 minutes then lifted.
Thursday, now that's more exciting. Living in Chicagoland has many benefits. One of which is the Niketown Thursday night running club. I know what you are thinking, a running club sponsored by a shoe manufacturer? How sad is that? In actuality, Niketown does a nice little weekly run. Ran with my coworker mb. The shins weren't bad until the last few hundred yards. The pace was a bit slow, my best estimate is 8:05. Too bad tc wasn't here this week, she'd have met her twin at Niketown.
Up next: 5 miles
Biked for 20 minutes then lifted.
Thursday, now that's more exciting. Living in Chicagoland has many benefits. One of which is the Niketown Thursday night running club. I know what you are thinking, a running club sponsored by a shoe manufacturer? How sad is that? In actuality, Niketown does a nice little weekly run. Ran with my coworker mb. The shins weren't bad until the last few hundred yards. The pace was a bit slow, my best estimate is 8:05. Too bad tc wasn't here this week, she'd have met her twin at Niketown.
Up next: 5 miles
Speed work
Today was speed work, a track day to be precise (yes, circles people...circles, turn fast go left...not unlike NASCAR).
Did 8 x 400m repeats, goal time 1:40, with equidistant recoveries.
Actual times: 1:40, 1:42, 1:41, 1:41, 1:41, 1:42, 1:39, 1:39
Felt good the entire time, although my pace wasn't so good, I felt good knowing I was able to finish the workout in better form than the prior week. While I was rather consistent (lots of 1:41s) I wasn't very accurate. I gotta say though, I think these track days are making me faster in races. I hold my recent 10k time as evidence.
Tomorrow: cross training and a call to Dr. Bob (gotta find out about my shin).
About that 10k
Official results are in...
Total time 48:49
Pace was 7:52
Happiness is obvious.
As a post script: I had no idea my primary care physician is one of the sponsors for this race. I know I haven't mentioned him before, but Dr. Bob (or as my wife and I call him "the voice of reason") fixed me up proper just before my first marathon. As is not uncommon among those training for a marathon, I got sick about two weeks before my race. Dr. Bob wasn't sure what I had, so he treated me with a shotgun approach (which I fully endorsed) and sure enough I was healed up pretty quick and even managed to taper properly. Thanks Dr. Bob, and I'm glad we got to chat today. I'll be back next year to help out however I can.
Go Deena Go!
Deena Kastor sets new American woman record and own PR. Kastor finished in 2:19:36,
first among women at today's Flora London Marathon. Full details at:
A race you say?
As a quick update this week was filled with meeting out of my office. While I was still able to maintain my training schedule, time to post was nonexistent. To summarize the week:
Monday: rest
Tuesday: Track workout - 400 meter repeats. Great workout but what a tiring experience.
Wednesday: a gentle 4 miler.
Thursday: Tempo run. Total of five miles, mile warm-up and cool down with a 3 mile tempo wedged in the middle. Felt great during the run and immediately after it. But haha, Friday my legs ached, must be those fast-twitch muscles telling me they really got taxed.
Friday: gentle 5 miles. Oddly my ankle started to bother me. Now that the shin pains are under control it's a bit disturbing that something else would start to hurt.
Saturday: yeah that's today. Supposed to go 5 easy miles, but I've decided to take the day off. Why? Well it just so happens I signed up for a 10k race that takes place on Sunday. This race was kind of a surprise, it just so happens that I need a 10k in my set of races this year...and on Wednesday night I found out about one in my town. Of course there isn't time to train, but that's OK I just need to run it and finish without embarrassing myself. In addition to the race, I'm taking the day off because of the whole ankle thing. I think saving my juice for the race is a good idea, and I'm hoping the day off for my ankle does wonders.
Tomorrow: 9 mile long run/10k race. I figure with a proper warm-up and an extended cool-down I can a total of 9 miles for the morning.
Going long
ok, that was fun. the long run went by very quickly. could it be because i only went 7.5 miles instead of the 8 i was supposed to go? yeah that may have something to do with it. damn, and i even said i'd bring my gps unit along to help with pace. the pace was fine, i like the very low 9s. alas, i zoned out and despite earlier attempts at math, i forgot that 8 minus 5.5 (the length of the trail loop) equals 2.5.....not 2 miles. oh well, a half mile isn't too bad, i mean it isnt that big a deal. i'm not even gonna make up that milage this week, i'll just chalk it up to not being focused. oh yeah, and i'll bring my garmin next time.
total time:1:08:30
avg pace: 9:08
up next, rest day.
4 sunny miles
went 4 today, that's what the little piece of paper told me to do, so i did it. i listen to my training schedule more than i do just about anything or anyone else, just ask my family and freinds.
4 miles in 34:25, or a 8:36 pace. not bad considering i was just out running. really should have been closer to a 9:00 pace, but that's what i get for running without my techno-geek-tastic gps unit. i'll definatley wear it on my long runs.
since it was nice out (76 and sunny) i got hot, and as a result i got shirt-less. running without a shirt isn't generally a problem (except for my neighbors perhaps), but seeing as how it was the first really nice day in a long time and i am unusually pasty, i got burnt. of all things to burn, i burnt my collarbone. which bone exactly? well, as you can see in the drawing, it's my clavicle. it sounds odd, but when you're a skinny guy without a whole lot of fat or muscle, your bone structure is what tends to stand out, hence it burns first.
up next, the weekly long run: 8 miles.
The Goal...
The Soldier Field 10 Miler.
That's shorter than a half marathon, but longer than an easily accessible 10k. Why? Cuz I can, and I can get others to run it with me. Come May 27th my buddy tc and I will tackle all 10 glorious miles, and finish in style at the 50 yard line of Soldier Field, with folks watching on the big ol Jumbotron.
Finishing is a given. I will not quit, I will not fail. That little voice in every runner's head that says "you aren't going fast enough" always seems to scream at me "YOU MUST FINISH", then it usually says something about speed too :)
My goal time: 1:30 or better, really I'm gunnin' for 1:25.
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